How to Maintain Emotional Resilience: Not Letting Others’ Words Get to You

Gayathri Seshadri
6 min readSep 6, 2023


Words are powerful. They can uplift us, inspire us, and bring joy into our lives. However, they can also be hurtful, especially when someone around us says something negative or critical. Learning how to not feel bad when someone says something about you is a crucial skill for emotional resilience and well-being. In this blog, we’ll explore strategies to help you maintain your emotional equilibrium in the face of hurtful comments.

If you had 86,400$ in your account and someone stole 10$ from you, would you be upset and throw the remaining amount, 86,390$ away at the person who took your 10$

No… Right?

You would move on and live. Right? In the same way, we have 86,400 seconds each day.

Don’t let someone’s negative 10 seconds ruin the remaining 86,390 seconds of your day.

Self-Awareness and Mindfulness

The first step in not letting others’ words affect you deeply is self-awareness. Recognize that your feelings are your own, and you have the power to choose how to react to others’ comments.

No one can hurt you without your permission

Give this some thought,

We would get upset or hurt only if we believe what someone else is saying and also if we think



Gayathri Seshadri

Software Developer with a love, passion and joy for life. I write about life, love, philosophy and growth